The Criminal World

Every society has rules, whether they are societal norms, religious edicts, or secular laws. Wherever there are rules, there will be people who skirt those laws for fun, profit, or survival. As with every subculture, a hierarchy will form. In the overall cultural hierarchy, criminal elements are typically near the bottom of the social order, with the dregs of the underworld usually at the very bottom of the list. This isn’t always the case, of course, and to limit yourself to this level of generality can reduce the conflict in your stories.

Every culture has a foundation for status. While one might think that acquiring wealth or power would be the only possibilities, the real world shows us that there are a myriad of possibilities. Organized crime is much more focused on tradition and their code of ethics than necessarily increasing their reach. Respect is much more important in gangland than money. For some, showing off their skill at thievery can be their primary motivation.

Once you’ve determined the foundations of status, you need to come up with your list of every profession within the world. While some are obvious, like members of thief’s guilds, gangs, and other forms of organized crime, others may walk the line of legitimacy and illegality, such as mercenaries and perhaps assassins. There may be others who are semi-organized, such as prostitutes and beggars. Look at the finance side of crime as well, such as loan sharks, money launderers, coin snippers, and fences.

Carefully look at how each of these groups interact with each other and how their actions would increase their status. It’s possible that mafia leaders may have a lower status than madams, assassins, and cat burglars. More than most subcultures, the criminal world will have a dynamic balance among those groups. This year, the gangs may be on top. Next year, the legitimate authorities may have broken the gangs and other organized crime may have taken over their status, if not necessarily their niche.

Next week, I’m going to get into the world of the fantastical. See you next Thursday.

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