
God of trickery

Holy Symbol: Silver bracelets with gold borders

Church Hierarchy

The Grand Dragon controls the motives of each individual church. The Grand Dragon is the high priest of any particular coven. Everyone below him/her is a priest. Lyram only has priests for faithful.

Initiation into Priesthood

Those who wish to worship Lyram must convince a Grand Dragon to let them worship him. Those who succeed are priests. Those who fail, die.

Initiation into Faithful

See above.

Edicts of Lyram

  1. There are no truths. Make everyone see this.

  2. Never let anyone unworthy of the knowledge of Lyram worship him.

  3. Humanity is a toy for Lyram. As his agent, play with them.

Suborders of Priesthood

There are as many suborders of this priesthood as there are Grand Dragons.